New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorneys | Juvenile . Assault . DWI .
Drugs .
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Essex County NJ Criminal Defense Attorneys
Have you been charged with A Crimes, Disorderly Persons Offense or Petty Disorderly Persons Offense?
Marvin J. Hammerman and Matthew J. Rosen have successfully represented many individuals charged with various criminal and motor vehicle offenses in the Superior Courts of Morris, Essex, Bergen, Passaic and other counties, and have represented hundred of individuals with their Municipal Court matters. These cases range from minor offenses such as careless driving or Criminal Trespass, to driving while intoxicated / driving under the influence ("DWI / DUI") to more serious drug offenses or domestic violence offenses. Criminal convictions can have serious consequences on employment, citizenship and can result in license suspension or revocation, jail time, and excessive fines. It is recommended that you consult a lawyer when faced with any types of criminal offense or traffic violations. We also offer a no-cost no-obligation consultation.
Criminal Defense Lawyers Serving Essex and Morris county, Handling Felonies & Misdemeanors, Drug Crimes, Assault, Domestic Violence, and Juvenile Crimes.
The following are some of the many types of cases that Hammerman Rosen LLP has handled:
-Possession of Marijuana
-Possession of Marijuana with intent to distribute
-Possession of Marijuana within 500 feet of a park / within 1000 feet of a school zone
-Possession of drug paraphernalia
-Possession of Cocaine
-Possession of Heroin
-Possession of CDS in a motor vehicle
-Criminal Mischief
-Assault / Simple Assault
-Driving Under the Influence "DUI" / Driving While Intoxicated "DWI"
If you have received any type of motor vehicle moving violation or traffic ticket, the attorneys of Hammerman Rosen can represent you in an attempt to have the ticket(s) dismissed, or reduced to a lesser offence. The goal is to avoid costly insurance points and/or surcharges, and/or to retain your license, or minimize the possibility of jail time. Many motor vehicle violations may appear to have small fines, however there may be hidden fees or surcharges. Moreover, having an attorney expedites the process, as attorney matters are given priority over other cases.
Common types of moving violations that we handle in municipal court include the following:
Careless Driving
Reckless Driving
Improper Lane Change
Driving while Suspended or Revoked
Failure to exhibit documents - insurance / license / registration
Operating an uninsured vehicle
Many of these offenses carry with them mandatory insurance points which can result in a surcharge, loss of license, and raising your insurance rates. Click here for the NJSA Points Schedule - to see New Jersey Motor Vehicle Points assessed for common moving violations.
Click the following link for more information regarding New Jersey Surcharges, or for Motor Vehicle Penalties.
Serving Fairfield Municipal Court Traffic Ticket, Violations, and Motor Vehicle Summons
We handle municipal court criminal and traffic matters in morris county, essex county, bergen county, middlesex county and various municipalities including Montclair, Caldwell, North Caldwell, Livingston, Parsippany, Fairfield, Cedar Grove, Bloomfield, Belleville, Nutley, West Orange, Boonton, Boonton Township, and many other towns.